Posted on January 15, 2009. Tags: Credit Card, NatWest Bank, UK, United Kingdom
In 2002, NatWest bank in the United Kingdom launched their own Black Card, which is only available to customers with an income of £75,000 or above and over 25 years of age. Approval is subject to status and conditions. The NatWest Black Card has an annual fee of £250, with a minimum credit limit £15,000. The card has a typical 51.8% APR (variable), and cardholders are therefore advised to make more than minimum balance payments. Benefits of the card include personal assistance for gift-shopping and event planning; executive airport lounge access; NatWest YourPoints redeemable for flights; roadside assistance throughout the UK and Europe; card and purchase protection; travel insurance; exclusive offers and access to prestigious events; and, home emergency coverage.

Posted in Alternate Cards, NatWest Black Card
Posted on January 15, 2009. Tags: Black Card, Demographics, Marketing, requirements, Visa Black Card
For Visa Black Card, it may all be hype and marketing science (as it can now be seen in ads in Robb Report, Snow Magazine, etc), but some sample stats we’ve collected so far it appears Barclay’s is at least successful in attracting the higher end customers (although, time will tell as this card itself may not be all that exclusive, as it’s allegedly only a “Visa Platinum Plus” which is below the Visa line of Signature Cards: ). All the charm of luxury may come in the from of the British accent featured in Barclay’s TV Commercials .
Here’s some of the data we have seen of that exclusive “1%” cardholder profile:
- 31 year old male, income approx $175,000 3 credit scores average 765, approved for Visa Black Card with 25,000 limit, alternate cards: Chase Freedom Visa Signature Limit = $50,000.
- 28 year old male, income approx $300,000 3 credit score average 740, approved for Visa Black Card with 20,000 limit, alternate cards: American Express Centurion Card.
- “Schiffy”income approx $10,000, credit score average 598, approved for Visa Black Card with unknown limit.
- “Dave” income approx $170,000, credit scores above 765, approved for Visa Black Card with unknown limit.
- “Pashok” MBA with 6 figure income, credit scores 765, approved for Visa Black Card with unknown limit.
If you Apply for the Visa Black Card and are accepted, please feel free to update us with your stats to include in the profile!
Posted in Visa Black Card
Posted on January 6, 2009. Tags: 2009, Centurion, FHR, Fine Hotels and Resorts
Posted in Travel
Posted on January 5, 2009.
Hayden Christensen’s (more formally known as Darth Vader) brother joins the dark side. Tove Christensen (producer of Shattered Glass – does anyone remember that movie?) was spotted by a TMZ source buying ice cream with his black titanium friend.
TMZ reported a few months back that
Hayden Christensen’s older brother Tove recently cruised into a Los Angeles Baskin-Robbins ice cream store and paid for a frozen treat using an American Express black card. An American Express black card!?!? Normally, these limitless credit cards are issued to the most elite of the elite, the richest of the rich, and are often used to buy extremely extravagant items like private planes, mansions or ice cream STORES! Not just a simple sundae.

Posted in Tove Christensen