Posted on January 15, 2009. Tags: Black Card, Demographics, Marketing, requirements, Visa Black Card
For Visa Black Card, it may all be hype and marketing science (as it can now be seen in ads in Robb Report, Snow Magazine, etc), but some sample stats we’ve collected so far it appears Barclay’s is at least successful in attracting the higher end customers (although, time will tell as this card itself may not be all that exclusive, as it’s allegedly only a “Visa Platinum Plus” which is below the Visa line of Signature Cards: ). All the charm of luxury may come in the from of the British accent featured in Barclay’s TV Commercials .
Here’s some of the data we have seen of that exclusive “1%” cardholder profile:
- 31 year old male, income approx $175,000 3 credit scores average 765, approved for Visa Black Card with 25,000 limit, alternate cards: Chase Freedom Visa Signature Limit = $50,000.
- 28 year old male, income approx $300,000 3 credit score average 740, approved for Visa Black Card with 20,000 limit, alternate cards: American Express Centurion Card.
- “Schiffy”income approx $10,000, credit score average 598, approved for Visa Black Card with unknown limit.
- “Dave” income approx $170,000, credit scores above 765, approved for Visa Black Card with unknown limit.
- “Pashok” MBA with 6 figure income, credit scores 765, approved for Visa Black Card with unknown limit.
If you Apply for the Visa Black Card and are accepted, please feel free to update us with your stats to include in the profile!
Posted in Visa Black Card
Posted on November 28, 2008. Tags: black magazine, black magazine circulation, Centurion, centurion magazine, Demographics, Europe, Fashion, france, italy, Spain, Statistics, sweden, UK
Median Age = 49
Average Household Income = $427,200 (based on 1.47 exchange rate 12/12/07)
Company Owner 63%
Plans in the next 12 months to:
Average spend on watches = $13,994
Average spend on fine jewelry = $14,597
Average spend on men’s fashion and accessories = $14,039
Average spend on women’s fashion and accessories = $16,052
Number of Cardholders based on Centurion Magazine Circulation (cardholders are automatically subscribed)
United Kingdom = 18,500
Germany = 10,500
France = 1,500
Italy, Sweden, Spain, The Netherlands = 4500
Switzerland = 2,800
Israel = 800
Turkey, Russia, Monaco, Greece, Cyprus, Middle East = 5,200
Middle East = 500
Saudi Arabia = 1,000
Posted in Demographics
Posted on November 28, 2008. Tags: Centurion, Demographics, Pan Asia, Statistics
Based on the demographics for the Centurion Magazine subscribers, we can see a bit more on card holders in Pan Asia.

Card Members = 14,800
Male/Female = 37%/63%
Average Age = 42
Average Gross Household Income = $537,000
Company Owner = 49%
Managing Director, Board Member = 32%

Posted in Demographics