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Black Card Overlay Kit: For the truly Desperate

Some of those truly desperate for the black card have gone the route of the black card overlay kit. Some folks on the 43 Things Users Blog were ordering this for $75. You might be better served reading our HOW TO guide, than spending money here!

Black Card Overlay Kit

11 Responses to “Black Card Overlay Kit: For the truly Desperate”

  1. Alexander says:

    Why buy a cheap sticker when you can purchase a fully functional Centurion replica in either titanium or plastic.

  2. Nelson says:

    what’s the website i can order the centurion card replica

  3. Peter says:

    Need to know where to get the fully functional Centurion replica in either titanium or plastic.

    can anyone help?????

  4. fred says:

    contact me at hi*****@ya***.com for replicat black card…

  5. Shurveer says:

    I would like to order 1 black American express.

    Thank you.


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