Wikipedia has created a disambiguation page to resolve confusion and ambiguity pertaining to the definition “Black Card”. It is possible that the more “Black Cards” exist, the less the term has meaning, similar to what happened to “Platinum Cards” years ago. What do you think, does it matter what color your credit card is, or is it really about the benefits?
To refresh you, I’ve included the definition for disambiguate –
dis-am-big-u-ate / Pronunciation [dis-am-big-yoo-eyt]
–verb (used with object), -at-ed, -at-ing.
to remove the ambiguity from; make unambiguous: In order to disambiguate the sentence “She lectured on the famous passenger ship,” you’ll have to write either “lectured on board” or “lectured about.”
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The term black card could refer to:
* American Express’s Centurion Card wikipedia page here
* Barclays’s Black Card VISA credit card (no wikipedia page, the editors nixed it)
* the black penalty card issued for serious misconduct in the sport of fencingThis disambiguation page lists articles associated with the same title. If an internal link led you here, you may wish to change the link to point directly to the intended article.
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