The World Elite MasterCard is MasterCard’s highest card offering, providing travel benefits, reservation programs, special rewrads programs, Concierge, etc. World Elite cardholders get access to Virtuoso travel consultant services, including special upgrades, amenities, and rare travel experiences provided through the Virtuoso international luxury travel network. Cardholders also have access to a concierge service that provides personalized recommendations, help with reservations with dining, travel, entertainment, and other services on a 24/7/365 basis. The World Elite MasterCard program holds table at restaurants, tickets at sporting events, special shopping access, as well as tailored spa/salon experiences. Finally as with any card, the World Elite MasterCard provides access to savings and goods with retail, dining, and personal care services.
Hm… I look it card, and I think, – it is ideal design!!! Very beautiful!!! I like it!!!
Sorry for my English… I am from Russia…
I have had this card for some time now and am very disappointed. The customer service is terrible. I tried to use my business class upgrade benefit on Lufthansa and they said they didn’t know what it was and couldn’t help me. Also, Barclaycard US told me they refuse to roll out EMV technology on this card, which makes it next to useless in Europe. I would avoid this card as it gives you nothing but bad service and travel headaches.
What is EMV technology?
Not a fan of the high card payment when the services offered elsewhere way under this card price!