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AMEX Centurion Card Back To Invitation Only

American Express has flipped the Centurion Card back to being invitation only. Originally the card was launched as invitation only as was the platinum card, as of a few weeks ago American Express has now changed the Centurion Card back to invitation only regardless of spend.

Centurion New Accounts

Sat 10AM-6PM EST

There’s a discussion over at Flyertalk on this as well.

21 Responses to “AMEX Centurion Card Back To Invitation Only”

  1. Hando says:

    posting the “secret” phone number… naughty naughty…

    They’re gonna love you for that one 🙂

    • blackcard says:

      The number isn’t secret, the card qualifications are. 🙂 Reminiscent of the old days 80s/90s prior to when the card even existed, people will just have to wonder what magic qualifies an individual.

  2. B says:

    I can get you a real, working card. Won’t cost you less, but at least you won’t need an invite. Email me for details at ic****@gm***.com

  3. jmsr83 says:

    I meet all the requierments, atleast my credit history is perfect and have spent well over 250k

    I called my platinum phone number and asked about the card, when they saw how much ive spent they transfered me to centurion, they said i have not been extended an invite as of yet but they will put a note on my account saying im interested, and should be getting an invitation in the next round of invitations, witch they said was around every 2 months…

    ill keep you all posted on what happens

    • Sunny Ghotra says:

      Hey! I have been trying to get one for the past year.please help! what are the requirements?

  4. john marlin says:

    Good idea. I definitely think the Black card is ready to have some market share stolen away though. SMDI should definitely benefit from their strategic placement in the exclusive credit card market. As they learn and better cater the rewards their market, it will be easy to expand the membership of this card. I’m looking into buying some SMDI in the next few weeks.

  5. chrisp says:

    I think that it is over rated. My BoA black carbon card is 1. cheaper and gets me almost the same privileges.

  6. invitations says:

    While we are discussing about topics relevant to AMEX Centurion Card Back To Invitation Only | The Black Card | Centurion Card | Visa Black Card | Luxury Credit Cards, You do not need to be a graphic designer to customize an invitation it can simply be done by adding a photograph or personalizing the written text. Standard store invitations do not allow for any customization hence the popularity of custom invitations

  7. jmsr83 says:

    I just got sent a centurion, if you want more info on everything let me know.

    • WAH says:

      I’d like the new requirments. Email me any details you have. I’ve spent $450k this year, I call centurion new member services every 2 months and they tell me an invitation has not been extended but to check back in another couple months. my email is wa*****@ho*****.com

      • Joe says:

        I’m in the same boat as you–except now they have said “stop calling us about it–if you are going to be issued an inviation, we will send it to you.”

        This annoys the crap out of me because I have friends who have this card solely because they run work expenses through it. All my expenses are personal ones–I would think that would matter more to AMEX, but apparently not.

        Have you had any luck yet? you can e-mail me at jaym1199@ yahoo . com.


      • Hunter says:

        I would like to know the new requirements, please. Thank you.

    • Ferando Torres says:

      I am in HKG which bank can be more accesible. I think that i can park the 250K spending in a cd in AMX at O interst for the card, can you tell me who to call or who can refer me.

    • steve says:

      would love some info. spend about $350K in last 12 months but no invite.

    • Rick says:

      Are you looking to add any supplementary card holders? secured by a deposit and contract through an attorney? Client meets all financial requirements and has credit and assets. Thank you

  8. Blamex says:

    You can get a real Black American Express Centurion Card (aka Blamex, Black Amex) – If you really want a Black Amex (the real thing) and can afford it, email icurme @ gmail .com

  9. I’m curious bout this

  10. Mr M R AHMED says:


    • 888 says:

      hello, the centurion card is now available in RSA. Please contact me by email if you would like me to put you in touch with relevant party to issue RSA centurion card.

  11. Brett says:

    Hey Guys, if you want to get invited do what I did, I had a few large purchases lined up on my platinum card over the next 24 months and used my card for all even though I had cash and paid off within 2 weeks must have ran through about 1.2 on the card In 12 months and about 15 months in got the invite and had Visa Infinite since it was as easy as that, I do know a few friends who reap rewards on like 5 cards they use for their business purchases which I dont think should be invited but nm


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