Santander Group in Brazil offers the Unlimited MasterCard Black. This card is only issued to Private Bank members and features a limit correlated to assets within the bank. This card is extremely exclusive in Latin America with only about 2,000-3,000 cards in circulation.
I have one of those card and I really enjoy the Black VIP Lounge at GRU International.
I have a investment Idea for you. My name is Christopher Jones if interested you can contact me at 1 845 416 7703. Each 2 day Event calculated amout is to be 35000…The amout to get the showcase of the ground is close to7 thousand…..for promotion…and location rental. I’m also currently working on a small comedy film
Yes, the VIP lounge in GRU is much better than the lounges offered under the “Priority Pass” list of the Mastercard Black card in this same airport. However, I find it hard to obtain a list of all the Mastecard Black VIP lounges (not priority pass lounges) in other airports. My Bank is helpless on this. Does anyone know where to get such a list?
really guys, get a life, it’s bit of plastic lol
Last year I got a pair of Madona Tickets in the mail for free because I got the card… About the Lounges there is one in Mexico and last time I check there is a Mastercard space under construction in Galeao Airport in Rio de Janeiro. Is possible to use Salones VIP in Chile just by presenting the card.
I wonder how those Brazilians got this card. The only thing that people that travel the world know about Brazilians are the bunch of Brazilian prostitutes and transvestites you see anywhere in the world. Walk around the park in Madrid, or Porto, or Milan, or even Miami and NYC, and you will know what I am talking about… Brazilians suck and the most faggot people in the world…
that’s right …. they are homo, but eventhough more straight than vast majority of americans (and other nationalities) that think this way.
Yeap, and some bilionaires are from here, also! Aren’t YOU one of them? Yes, I am not billionaire, JUST MULTImillionaire! Kkkkk. Enjoy your lack of money and continue to say those things about us, loser! Kkkkk Try to make money on your next life….
I could only dream of meeting or talking with someone like you, it would be a pleasure!
This card is a cheap copy of American Express Centurion Card!!!
Citibank issues Mastercard Black no spending limit to special cients in Brazil, also Bradesco and Santander among other Brazilian banks. If more and more banks are issuing such cards in Brazil it is because there is a reason and, by the way, the Centurion is coming to Brazil for the proviledged few, too.